We believe a healthy mouth is the key to overall health and a good quality of life. With our preventive and general dentistry services, we can help you achieve and maintain healthy teeth for years to come.
You should feel confident showing off your teeth during life’s best moments. If you’re unhappy with your smile, we offer a wide range of cosmetic dentistry services that can help achieve your goals.
You don’t need to find a separate dental office to get the oral surgery procedures you require. Our Rochester, NY office offers comfortable oral surgery procedures all under the same roof.
If you’re snoring or clenching and grinding your teeth in your sleep, you’re not getting the best sleep possible. It’s also probably impacting your overall health. Our TMJ and sleep apnea treatments can help.
Over time, your teeth may require some extra care to replace them, or restore their functionality and strength. Our restorative dentistry procedures can help you enjoy a healthy, functional smile once again.